Refund Policy

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The Refund of the money is available with the following conditions:

1. The Service(s), that you previously ordered on, have not yet been supplied.

1.1 If you made a payment for the Service(s) and the Service(s) is/are already supplied by the Company, refund will not possible.

1.2 If you ordered a number of Services and some of them are already supplied, the refund will be possible only for non-supplied Services. In this case, the sum of the refund shall be calculated by the Company.

2. The Refund shall be available within 30 days from the date of the payment for a Service.

3. Refund can be remitted only to the same payment instrument, from which the initial payment was made. In case if you do not have an access to the payment instrument, from which the initial payment was made, the Refund shall be remitted only to the payment instrument, the holder of which can be reliably ascertained.

3.1 The rule, specified in clause 3 of this Refund Policy, shall also be applied in case if Refund cannot be remitted to the payment instrument, from which the initial payment was made.

4. In order to make a refund, you will be required to provide the following documents:

4.1 A copy or a photo of your identification document.

4.2 A photo of a payment card, funds to which shall be transferred. It is important, that the name of the cardholder must be the same that the name of the person, specified in the identification document. You can hide CVV code, payment card number (except for the first 6 and last 4 digits). The cardholder`s name must not be hidden or covered in any manner.

4.3 A photo of you, bearing the items, specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this Refund Policy.

4.4. If you refuse to provide the Company with the documents, specified in the clause 4.1. and 4.2 of this Policy, the refund shall not be made.

5. If, when making a refund it is discovered, that a refund requestor cheated, or impersonates another person or entity, or otherwise violates Terms and Conditions of the Website, the refund shall not be made.

6. In case of the refund, you shall pay all commissions, charges and fees for the remittance of your payment.

Should you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us via the e-mail

Contact Information

Flat/Rm 604, Tower А, New Trade Plaza 6 on Ping Street Shatin, Hong Kong

General Questions
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